Probation serves as an alternative to incarceration, allowing individuals to reintegrate into society under specific conditions. However, violating these conditions can lead to serious consequences, especially in Maryland. Understanding the distinctions between technical and non-technical violations, and the potential repercussions of a first probation violation, is crucial for anyone on probation. Technical vs. Non-Technical ViolationsRead More
Criminal Conspiracy Charges in Maryland: What You Need to Know
In Maryland, criminal conspiracy is a serious charge with significant legal consequences. State law on conspiracy is based on the specific alleged crimes instead of having a separate set of laws addressing conspiracy. Conspiracy charges can be difficult to defend because they are considered inchoate or incomplete crimes. It is crucial to recognize what constitutesRead More
Understanding Chain of Custody (CoC)
Criminal cases begin when law enforcement officials suspect a crime has been committed. From initiating the investigation and gathering evidence to booking a suspect, they record the information. After that, they will typically file formal charges, which initiate official legal proceedings. Throughout this process, it’s essential that police securely store and catalog the evidence, whichRead More
Probation vs Parole: What You Need to Know
Navigating the criminal justice system can be daunting, especially when understanding the nuances of community supervision programs such as probation and parole. While each goal is to rehabilitate offenders and guide them back into everyday life while reducing the likelihood that they will create another offense, there are distinct differences. Understanding the differences between theseRead More
What is “Imperfect” Self Defense in Maryland?
When it comes to self-defense claims in Maryland, the legal landscape is intricate and can be quite confusing for many. One particular area that often requires clarification is the concept of “imperfect self-defense.” As an attorney practicing in Maryland, it’s crucial to understand the nuances of this defense and how it can impact the outcomeRead More